Friday, 31 August 2007

Quick at The Draw

With all that’s going on in the High Street it’s impossible to photograph every show. There are always a few disappointed people that I haven’t had a chance to photograph.
This year not being around to cover all the time slots made a slight difference. So again my apologies to my friends in the street performer community for not catching more of you yet again.
But I do hope that at least the big group shots as always are something that no one but me has the control to get fifty or more performers together in one place. And as always a memento in a very small form of your visit to the Edinburgh Fringe.
Big thanks as always for giving me the few minutes of your time to get the shot. And allowing me to wander round getting photographs before everyone, even I have woken up. Remember to get in touch if anyone wants bigger files, of anything you see online.

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